Friday, January 29, 2010

Two Weeks

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been in Ukraine for two weeks now. Most mornings it feels like two days, then once in a while like two years… I guess that feeling will last a while! It’s been brutally cold since my arrival, so I’ve had very little distraction from studying Russian. Last weekend I got so much accomplished in my lessons and memorizing things that my teacher said she’s going to start praying for more cold weather. Ha ha… please, no!

This weekend I will start the daunting task of looking for an apartment of my own! There seems to be quite a few to choose from, so it shouldn’t be too bad of a process. It also helps that my flat mate is a Ukrainian, so I am not nearly as easy of a target to be taken advantage of with her around and making the initial phone calls for me. (Thanks Marina!!)

Please pray with me that we’ll end up where God wants us. He knows the neighbors, the landlord, etc… And, for now, I trek back and forth through the ice and snow to language school.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy, Welcome to Ukraine. I just signed to follow your blog. Would you follow on mine. Your picture up there helps me easily get back here to follow. May the Lord bless on your apartment hunting.
