Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Musings

It is common to talk about the shepherds or the angels... But, the thing that really caught my attention this year is from Matthew's account of  Jesus' birth.  "Mary and Joseph took the baby to Egypt to fulfill the prophecy, ‘out of Egypt I called my Son.’"  And, in contrast, I was reminded how reactionary Satan is. His response is one of great anger seen through Herod’s decree to kill all the male children born in Bethlehem – 2 years old and younger. The rage and anger seen in Herod is Satan’s response to the birth of the Savior of the World.

God is faithful.  He is deliberate and He keeps His promises.  Satan is reactionary.  How many times do we see this throughout scripture?  How often do we get caught up in the reaction of Satan and fray of the immediate rather than the deliberateness of God in our own lives?  It is so easy to do.  This year, may I focus on God's faithfulness and know that whatever circumstances, He is at work.