Friday, February 19, 2010

Bread Basket

As you travel outside of the United States, you realize that most of the world's diet depends heavily on bread.  The whole anti-carb craze has not hit here like in the States.  And, I also appreciate Jesus' words in Matthew more.  Matthew 4:4  "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."  and in Matthew 6:11, "Give us today our daily bread".  The first reference is when Jesus is being tempted in the desert.  He had been fasting for 40 days and 40 nights.  The second is where He teaches us to pray.

In the US there are many things that I just do.  I feel empowered in my own regard and am comfortable with my surroundings and have common language abilities.  Often it is hard to rely on God.  My head knows that my abilities, oportunities and everything comes from God, but when I get caught up in the busyness of the day it is sometimes easy to take God forgranted.

While in Ukraine, it is much easier for me to rely on God because I am not as used to or comfortable with everyday things and curcumstances.  I depend on Him for safety and health.  I rely on His provision through people's support.  I know that I cannot make it here without Him.  Every day I am conscious of my need for Spiritual daily bread.

So, a few weeks ago I was reading a random blog that I clicked on through another friend's link and I read about their bread basket.  It took me a few minutes to catch on that it was where they stored all of their families bibles, journals and devotional materials.  What a fabulous idea!!  This inspired me on Wednesday to buy 2 identical bread baskets.  One for bread made with flour and water that sits on the kitchen counter and one for my Bibles, journal and a couple of devotional books that I am reading that is in the living room.  One of the first steps in making our new apartment my home!

Friday, February 5, 2010

One of those days!

I should mention that this whole week I've been battling one of those head colds that lingers... doesn't really do anything but continues to be a dull ache and an anooyance.  For the first two days, I laid pretty low, but can only tolerate that for so long... Perhaps it lingers because I walk around in 15 - 20 degree snowy weather.  Oh well.  It will end.  Someday.

Yesterday I was ready to jump in the shower, turned on the water and this concoction of brown muddish substance sputtered out of the pipe!  EWW!  Jumped out of the way and moved on with the morning.  Waiting to hear from the realtor about the apartment we fell in love with and want to rent.... Still waiting.  Keep praying with us to land in the right apartment.  I'm sure there are others out there we would love also.  Just time and effort to be expended.

Somehow last night after a very good Russian Language class I got it in my head that I should be WAY farther in the process.  Process is something I've never really been good at, by the way.  I've been here 3 weeks.  I have yet to meet anyone who 'masters' Russian in 2 years, let alone 3 weeks.  :) 

We got about 5 inches of snow yesterday so the ice is blanketed with lots of white stuff to cushion the falls! :)  Actually, I've been fortuante, and diligent about using my 'stabilicers' - ice cleats on my boots and have managed to stay upright!  I'm looking forward to spring.

God continues to teach me about balance.  My life was incredibly busy immediately before coming to winter Ukrainian lifestyle.  I'm learning to appreciate the moments and, I'm making some pretty awesome soups!

Monday, February 1, 2010

KarmaTube: Amazing Grace, by Wintley Phipps

KarmaTube: Amazing Grace, by Wintley Phipps

A friend forwarded this to me.  Every time I hear this song I remember the first time I went to a drug rehab center just outside of Kyiv.  I was so overwhelmed with how much the people there understood God's grace and how little of it I could grasp.

This is a wonderful and powerful rendition of Amazing Grace.  Remember how truly amazing God's grace is in each one of our lives today...